Friday 4 May 2012

Kant exam revision questions and others

Hi everyone,

I have emailed you the ppt for today's lesson revising the moral argument.

As I don't see you after today for a week I am setting homework and this is not a polite suggestion!!
I want all of you to do the exam questions on the moral argument that are at the end of the ppt on slides 12 and 13 - I have included a structure for you to use in the ppt and here are the questions again:

'Explain Freud's view that moral awareness comes from sources other than God.' (25)
'Explain Kant's moral argument.' (25)

Also do the following question from June 2010:

(1a)  Compare the concept of a Prime Mover with the idea of God as a Craftsman.' (25)
(1b)  'Only philosophers can explain creation.'  Discuss  (10)

We have revised both Aristotle and the Prime Mover and we have revised the Judeo-Christian God.  I think this is a sneaky question because it goes over two topics.  The (b) question is not connected to the Rel and Science module but you can bring your learning in from that.

Below is a link for you to read the examiners report on this paper (June 2010).  Look at page 5 where they discuss question 1 to see how other students answered and what they thought about their answers!

Can I also remind you to complete your independent study work on the Ontological Argument.  I've given you the reading list, photocopies and exam questions for it.

I know this seems like a lot, but in 12 days it will be over!
Mrs Rawson.

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